Farewell To The Twig Blog

What is up my twig squad! This post is actually going to be my very last post. I’m sorry to it is time for the twig to leave. I have had an enjoyable time working on this blog and exploring new things. This whole year of creative writing along with the last few months of working on this blog has been an adventure. Seeing what other people write or their thoughts are cool to read about.

I’ve made a lot of friends in this class that I started my blog. There is Faith, she is also become one of my closest and best friends and she is someone I can always count on. There is Tynecia who if I didn’t have this class I don’t know if me and her connection would have grown but Im glad it did, she has become my school brother for life. There is Kat who is super quiet but the things she writes are so inspirational and im glad I became her friend.

Also shout out to our creative writing teacher. She has had to put up with me and my groups craziness all year. Its’s been an odd year and I am hoping to end this year strong. For the last time, keep on twigging.


Are Any Of You Fellow Twigs Crushing?

What is up my twig squad For todays post I found a quote about love and its a little deep. Once again I’m gonna add this disclaimer, I am only in high school and I’m still learning myself. This is just my point of view and I hope it possibly helps others.

“The worst drug of them all is love.”

I saw this thing on a video and it said something along the lines of, your elders tell you don’t do drugs, drugs will ruin your life, drugs are bad for you but the truth is love is the worst drug of them all. What I think it is saying is, you can be so in love with someone that it is addicting. Not having them around you will give you a withdraw, it will be like when they are with you your happy and filled with joy then when they leave its like your sad they are gone and just want more of their presence.

And maybe this is saying more of the person you are in love with rather then love itself, or maybe it is saying your in love with the feeling of love. How many of people have gone through a breakup and its like your world comes crashing down or the walls or caving in? Or how many people have missed someone so much that it hurts to not have them in your presence or be able to talk to them to the point you think you might want to cry? That would be the withdraw of love.

The addiction part, I guess you could say, to love is when you are with the person and you get chills or butterflies in your stomach and it feels like you could be floating. If you look at it really closely, love is one of the most dangerous drugs. It can go quicker than any other drug. You could go on crack and be high for hours but with love it can go just as soon as you got it. Your heart and your mind are very different. The mind needs time but your heart could be broken in two seconds flat. TWIG OUT

Keep on twigging!

The Twig Is Back!

What is up my twig squad! Todays post is another quote post about love. This quote does not have much to do with relationships whereas society. I know I’m only in high school and I don’t know much however, its always fun to have other peoples point of view on aspects of life.

The Quote: “I have decided to stick with love, hate is too great a burden to bear.”

This quote is so strong. With all the hatred in this world it just seems like everyone is choosing to hate on other people. Now, occasionally, there is people who actually care about others feelings and know that words hurt and some actions do too; those people chose to love and support and build up and encourage there peers instead of tear them down 24/7.

A lot of people are struggling, hard. Some people that I know have depression and it is a struggle every day just to brush their teeth in the mornings and when they find the strength to do that they get beat down at school. I guess a question that will always remain is, why do people choose to hurt others and bring them down?

Now I’m not trying to start anything about religion or whatever but I will say, I am a Christian and there are things I don’t necessarily agree with in society but I can be loving towards society. I don’t have to support everything society has to offer but at the same time I don’t have to bash on the subjects in society that I don’t agree with.

It almost seems as if society has made hate more powerful than love, people are dying everyday from the hate that they receive, it needs to stop. Point is choose love not hate.

The Twigs Summary Of A Stressful School Year

What is up my twig squad! In this blog I want to give 10 quotes that summarize what my school year has been like.

Quote 1: “You are the reason I wake up every morning, lol just kidding I have school.” When I was single the reason I would get out of bed on the daily was to get ready for school, otherwise I would wrap myself up like a taco and not get out of bed for most of the day.

Quote 2: “Dear teachers, please stop making us sleepy we have no bed in class.” This is not true for ALL teachers but to the teachers who pile on homework and give us a quiz on Wednesday and tests every Friday with homework every single day of the week, yes I have a teacher or two like that, this quote applies to those teachers. Ever since school has started my sleep schedule has been everywhere, my mom even had to put me on these special vitamins because when I get home after school I crash and then I’m up late studying or doing homework.

Quote 3: “Popularity gets you nowhere after high school” Honestly, my mom warned me about clicks and popular groups and bullies and stuff at high school but over all there isn’t much of that at my high school.  If anything I have made countless new friends who have become more like a second family and nobody really competes for popularity.  Maybe its just this high school or maybe its just who I hang around but yeah.

Quote 4: “In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” Too bad in school we have to study our butts off and compete for the highest overall average.

Quote 5: “You know, sometimes kids get bad grades in school because the class moves too slow for them. Einstein got D’s in school. Well guess what, I get F’s!!!” Just a question, how come in school I can stay up and study through the night but still never pass the tests given. How is it I make C’s and D’s in classes I turn all my work in for? I just don’t understand it?

Quote 6: “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” If this is true why do teachers tell you a day or two before a test over the stuff you’ve only been learning for a day or two. See, I just don’t understand grades.

Quote 7: “You can drag my body to school but my spirit refuses to go.” My stepdad always tells me school isn’t meant to be fun. But the problem with that is everyone wants to have fun so if we made school a little more fun, more activities and less sitting at a desk with a pen and paper and dozing off to sleep from sleep deprivation then maybe, just maybe students would learn a thing or two. Like memorizing definitions word for word is so boring but you turn into a song or a short skit or scene then it makes it just a little more fun to ‘get into character’ and a little more fun to memorize.

Quote 8: “it’s back to school time. or as home-schoolers call it, stay-where-you-are time.”  For real though. Its like as soon as 3:30 hits to leave school we can all go home and do more school. It seems like school is following me everywhere. When I get home from school I have “homework” which is also just school work. When my friends ask me to go out, sorry I cant I got to finish my homework. Honestly though school is so time consuming. Ever heard of the quote 9: “SCHOOL, Seven Cruel Hours Of Our Lives!” I feel like its more than seven, Seven hours at school, yes but plus the hours of studying at home and doing homework its more like fourteen or more cruel hours of our lives.

Quote 10:  “Sometimes, it’s better to bunk a class and enjoy with friends, because now, when I look back, marks never make me laugh, but memories do.” If this year has taught me anything it is that the point, of my life at least, is to be happy. My friends make me so happy and spending time with my family and getting to know them better is so much better than making an A on the test tomorrow that at the end of the day wont even matter because mid-term and EOC and finals can bring your grade down from an A to a C in two seconds or a C to an A so tell me what is the point? I mean don’t get me wrong I still try but I have decided not to let school run my life. I will fit study time into my schedule where it fits and if there is no time then thirty minutes in the mornings after I wake up will have to be enough study time. I’d much rather I rule my life then school. Just my opinion though. Keep on Twiggin.


One Syllable Jams From A One Syllable Twig

What is up my twig squad! In todays post I am writing a small little cute song dedicated to you guys AKA my twig squad.

This is my twig squad, and this is my twig song.

I love my twig vlog, and I love my twig song. Twig Squad, Twig song

I can not wait, till the day, that I can meet my twig squad. This is

My Twig vlog and you can be part of my twig squad. Come all and

join my twig song.

Keep On Twiggin.


How To Win Your Way To A Twigs Heart

What is up my twig quad! In todays post I will be talking about how to win your way into the heart of “the twig” romantically of course since I am starting the journey of love in my blog.

  1. Be a male
  2. Be kind
  3. Be loving
  4. Be loyal
  5. Don’t screw up brooooo
  6. just be honest
  7. face problems instead of run away from them
  8. be more thoughtful than generous meaning, text in the morning and late night calls instead of a giant teddy bear every now and again.
  9. have some sort of hobby
  10. be willing to compromise (I am a little stubborn)
  11. be respectful to my friends
  12. just tell me if something is wrong and don’t make me pry it out of you
  13. A believer in Christ

Well that’s about it twig squad. Sorry short little post but I hope you enjoyed, what do you look for in partner? Keep on twigging.


More Twig Talk

What is up my twig squad! In this blog I want to help describe, yet another quote. It is simple and short and also about love. It states, “True love ain’t always easy.” Now I know I am only fourteen (In two weeks i’ll be fifteen, YAY!) But I would at least like to give my perspective on true love. I saw this one video of an old couple. Someone asked the couple how they stayed together so long and their answer was, “We came from a generation where we fix our problems and don’t run away from them.” This is true, a lot of teenage relationships from what I have seen end over something dumb. Even friendships end because they were called names. There have been fist fights over boys and girls that should never happen. Violence is not the answer especially when it comes to something like this.

With that there comes an alternative, for example: A guy really likes this girl and is willing to fight her boyfriend for her even though she is happy with her boyfriend. Instead of fighting the girls boyfriend he goes up to the girl and says how he feels about her, if she rejects him then it may hurt but he moves on instead of fighting the girls boyfriend.

In another video I saw was a man describing his wife who had recently passed away. When someone asked how they stayed together so long the man said, “I was a friend to her and we had no secrets.” In a lot of high school relationships they normally start off as friends and then fall into a deeper relationship, however, a lot of relationships end due to a secrets and no one being open in the relationship and it tears both the relationship and friendship. As an example, I ended a friendship with someone because they were closed off and they always seemed to be hiding something, I couldn’t trust that person so I ended the friendship. I hope this helps someone. Keep on twigging.


A Twigs Theory

What is up my twig squad! In this blog I want to talk about my theory on phones. I have two friends that have been grounded from their phone for long periods of time. One told me that when they were grounded for the first week or so then they hated it, however, as time went on she got used to not having a phone and it makes life a little more enjoyable. She says she loves not having her phone because it gives her space and freedom and she doesn’t always feel like she needs her phone and she feels like she can breath. With my other friend, he says not having a phone has been nice for him. He was depressed while he had his phone but as weeks went by he got happier and happier and is no longer depressed. He says that he believed not having his phone played a key role in him being happy so when he does get it back he wont rely on it as much. My theory is, do phones make us moody? Do we rely on phones to much? Overall, do phones change our outlook on life? I don’t know, thoughts? Keep on twigging.

~Twig Out!

A Heart Felt Post From Twig To Twig

What is up my twig squad! In this blog I wanted to talk about a quote I found that has a lot of meaning to it. The quote is about love and heartache. The quote says, “Dear heart, I’m begging you. Please let him go. He’ll never care for you the way you care for him. He doesn’t think about you. And I can’t keep living like this. Thinking about him all the time. Please. Let him go. There’s so much I need to do in life. And I can’t do any of it if i keep on drowning in the ocean of misery every single day. So please for my sake let him go.”

This quote was very easy, personally, to relate to and i just thought that my twig squad could use this quote every now and again. This quote also helped me realize I need to be more of myself and stop worrying about another person so much especially if they couldn’t care for me nearly as much. It helped me to find more of myself. This quote is so much deeper than just its surface.

I know that this quote is more of an “easier said than done” type of thing. It is so hard to let someone you care about go. This quote is talking more about love and relationships but it could work for if someone you loved has passed away or if you have a bad past and bad memories that you know you need to let go. Its going to be extremely hard to let them go but its not impossible.

I figure there is a balance between how much your heart can take and how much you think your heart can take. In this quote the author has come to the conclusion her heart is carrying much more than she can handle and she knows she has to let go.

This is advice to my twig squad. Don’t take on more than you can handle. Leave room for your heart to grow stronger. If there is anyone that you can think of that you know you have to let go but you just feel like you cant, know something, you can. No one said letting go was easy but its better to let go and be happy than be sad and in pain. Thanks for reading! Twig Out!

Keep On Twiggin!